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Branding Agency WECREATE Lisbon sees clients at either end of the spectrum spending too much or too little on their visual brand identity which becomes vulnerable to visual branding mistakes. Coupled with this, not many businesses truly understand some of the critical aspects of visual branding and end making sloppy and unnecessary errors that hamper their growth or worst burn their reputation to the ground.

To ensure you don’t fall victim to the most common visual branding mistakes that many businesses make, here are the top 5 and how to avoid them.

1. Limited and Inconsistent Branding

Nowadays businesses can’t get away with cutting corners or not make an effort when it comes to their branding. While thinking of your services and customers is important, the quality of your services and customer care won’t matter if you haven’t utilized the right brand strategy to create a buzz around your business.

2. Not Giving The Visuals The Respect They Deserve

You’d be surprised how many people seek branding help from professionals only to say, but say we don’t need any visual help, we’ve already got it covered. It only takes two seconds to see that the company usually has low-quality visuals or none at all!

For example, McDonald’s isn’t a premium food service but everyone knows it’s red and yellow logo. Be memorable. Not recognizing business values and core services halts company growth, to ensure business branding doesn’t go stale.

Branding Agency WECREATE Lisbon and global branding players worldwide map the branding path to help businesses easily make adjustments and build new branding solutions far more easily.

3. Failing To Track Branding Efforts

If your business doesn’t have a branding team or someone with some insight, it can be difficult to know what areas of your visualbrand identity to tackle. A lot of businesses make terrible and costly branding decisions based on nothing more than their gut instincts!

One of the ways to assess a business’ branding needs is by tracking the effectiveness of current branding efforts. This could be by asking customers to fill out a quick survey when they sign up to your email, asking where they heard about you, a poll on your website.

If you’re in doubt about the best way to conduct brand research call in branding agency WECREATE Lisbon pros to pinpoint this for you, they’ll analyze all the data collected from all your marketing mediums and construct a brand strategy plan for future success.

4. Trying To Do Too much

While your entire business might be in need of a branding overhaul, if you had too many things going on you’re going to confuse customers and give yourself a headache too. Focus on your core services and work on visuals around those, if you sell products a lot of similar products or offer a lot of different services, remember less is more.

5. Not Understanding The Corporate Brand

Your branding is influenced by the wider world, but it’s also your responsibility as a business to act with a sense of authority to build consumer trust. If you’re not sure what your brand strategy should be, it’ll show.

Remember consistency is key, if in doubt keep it simple and work on the main areas like company name, logo, and tagline.

Branding Agency WECREATE Lisbon are branding experts look no further for advice or consultation to avoid visual branding mistakes. When it comes to visual branding, the options are limitless, once you know how to stand out. Investing in a proper company brand strategy is going to boost your revenue in the long-term, so it’s time to stop playing the short game and focus on where your business is going.

Give us a ring at+852 2555 7220 or drop a line today and see how the right sort of branding strategy can help you advance towards your business goals.


Arthur is the motive behind advertising agency WECREATE. Founder, and since 2004 responsible for strategy, concept and design in the role of Creative Director.