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Not a day goes by that we don’t use apps. Apps have embedded themselves into our lives as we use them to communicate, order food, groceries, book taxis and concert tickets, navigate our route, make banking transactions etc. ‘I will app you’ has even become official language with ‘app’ (short for Software Application) making it to Word of the Year in 2010 by the American Dialect Society.

Simply put, life without apps has become unimaginable and there is no sign of app trends and developments slowing down. Trends in app development keep changing at a rapid pace as operating systems keep improving and newer, more sophisticated versions of apps are released.

As App developers we need to continuously keep a close eye on what’s happening in the world of apps and the announcements the main app operating systems of Google and Apple are making. Only by staying absolutely on top of it will we be able to offer our Lisbon clients an optimal experience.
To keep you up to date with what’s trending in the world of app design WECREATE has selected and explained the main trends for 2019:

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Motion and Location sensing

Location sensing has been a feature of most smart devices for a while and motion sensing also made its introduction some time ago. In the next year we will see apps using these features grow in popularity and expand the ways they are used. Motion sensing apps will be widely used for security and anti-theft and will become an easy and accessible way to set up a functional remote surveillance system for anyone. Location sensing app development will increasingly be used in games, geo-tagging features, health apps and road navigation.

In-app search feature

Several Android applications have already started introducing the in-app search feature and the New Year will certainly see Apple introducing similar functionalities. In-app search features are a huge improvement in UX experience as content in other apps such as names, contact numbers or music can be searched for without having to dive into each specific app.

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AR/VR goes beyond the screen

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are technologies that deliver an –as close to real life as possible- experience to users. In the gaming industry the use of AR and VR has been common for a while now – many of you will be familiar with Pokémon Go in which AR gives the monsters a more honest sense of presence in the world, allowing them to stand on actual real-life surfaces. More recently these technologies have also been deployed for commercial purposes. The use of AR and VR for marketing purposes will increase in 2019. Especially as many brands continue to develop big social media campaigns, AR and VR will be used as a tool to be more interactive with audiences and encourage them to engage with your CTA. Frontrunners in using these technologies have been Instagram and Snapchat. It is expected that soon VR will also penetrate the healthcare industry as a vital tool in executing complicated surgeries.

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Before long we will be able to go without using any cash. 1.6 billion people worldwide already use their mobile devices to make purchases online which has made M-commerce (Mobile commerce) the next generation of E-commerce. It is expected that by 2021 Mobile commerce will account for 54% of all Electronic commerce. M-Commerce exists is various types:

– Mobile money transfers
– Electronic ticket and boarding passes
– Digital content purchases and delivery
– Mobile banking
– Contactless payments and in-app payments
– Location-based services
– Mobile marketing, coupons and loyalty cards

Mobile payment integration is a component not to be compromised in a smooth UX and in 2019 it is expected that even small business will adopt M-commerce apps to provide convenience to its customers.

Interested in discussing how these app trends and developments could benefit your business? Please do give us a call +852 2555 7220 or send a message.


Arthur is the motive behind advertising agency WECREATE. Founder, and since 2004 responsible for strategy, concept and design in the role of Creative Director.